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Study abroad

Are you interested in international experiences? Have you ever thought about a stay abroad, summer/winter schools or internships abroad? During your studies, stays at a foreign university offer an excellent opportunity to gain experience, broaden your horizons and specifically deepen your own interests. The department «Global Student Experiences» of the UZH informs and advises students on exchange programs and self-organised mobility.

The most suitable time for a stay abroad, the so-called mobility window, is in the third year of the Bachelor's program in «Biodiversity». The great flexibility of the degree program makes it possible to take into account credits obtained at other universities. However, such courses must be agreed and approved in advance with the study coordinators.

More detailed information can be found here: link

For general questions, please contact:

Ms Ewa Bolli
Supervision of Outgoing Students SEMP Program
Study Coordination Department of Biology
Tel. +41 44 635 4856
Email: Ewa Bolli